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Workplace Crisis Management

Beyond the everyday challenges of work, there are occasionally situations which require special crisis intervention, such as:

  • Death of an employee
  • Robbery in the workplace
  • Assault in the workplace
  • Downsizing and job termination

Fraser Valley BC Trauma Counsellor, Pauline Carey can assist with group and individual trauma debriefing of employees at the workplace. She can also provide individual counselling and support to employees at the same time, or at a later date, should they experience difficulties later on.

Research shows that trauma debriefing is best completed within 72 hours of the crisis event.

If covid19 protocols permit, in-person workplace trauma debriefing can be provided.

Employees usually appreciate having an external trauma counsellor come in to run debriefings and supportive counselling. It lets employees know that the employer is concerned about their wellbeing and acknowledges that the crisis may be unsettling and disturbing for employees.

Debriefings are usually conducted in group format, followed by optional individual sessions for employees. Groups can be held for management separately from staff.

Management can be in a difficult situation when a workplace crisis occurs. They need to continue leading and focusing on workplace productivity, while acknowledging and supporting staff’s challenges in coping with the crisis situation. In addition, managers too may be personally affected by the workplace crisis, and may be experiencing many symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Possible signs of stress after a workplace crisis are:

Mental: difficulty in concentrating and/or carrying out usual tasks; questioning life’s meaning; forgetfulness, irritability, worrying about own safety/job security

Emotional: anger, sadness, anxiety, nervousness, reminded of earlier trauma

Physical: sleep disturbance, nightmares, physical aches & pains, appetite change, increased alcohol or drug use, including over the counter medications

Interpersonal: social withdrawal or discomfort with being alone, wishing to talk about the trauma or shutting it out completely; feeling indifferent to what has happened

Contact Pauline Carey, Fraser Valley BC Trauma Counsellor to arrange an onsite debriefing at your workplace.