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Frequently asked questions

virtual Counselling and Training

+ What is Applied Metapsychology?

Applied Metapsychology is a comprehensive system for addressing issues for which people usually seek counselling, such as trauma, anger, anxiety, stress, or relationship difficulties. It was developed by psychiatrist Dr Frank A Gerbode in the 1980s and has been used successfully throughout the world by counselling professionals and lay practitioners. Although commonly practised by helping professionals, Applied Metapsychology is in fact a form of education. The practitioner of Applied Metapsychology assists the other person to integrate the information he or she already has, rather than providing additional information or direction.

+ What is Unburdening?

Applied Metapsychology consists of Unburdening and Discovery. Unburdening is the part which addresses those issues for which people usually seek counselling. In other words, Unburdening focuses on relieving people of their emotional – and sometimes practical – burdens.

+ What is Discovery?

Discovery is the program of Metapsychology concerned with personal growth and proactive avoidance of burdens. It is offered to those who have completed a Life Stress Reduction program and have become unburdened. It is also available to those who are not currently experiencing any major distress in their lives.

Discovery involves seven stages:

  1. Help and Control
  2. Memory enhancement
  3. Communication
  4. Problem resolution
  5. Reconciliation
  6. Resilience
  7. Rightness

Each section of the Discovery program may take as much as 20 hours to complete. However, one progresses through Discovery at one’s own pace. The benefits of the program are likely to become apparent almost immediately. Discovery, like all Metapsychology practices, is completely client-centered.

+ What is Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR)?

TIR is a brief, one-on-one, non-hypnotic, person-centered, simple and highly structured method for permanently eliminating the negative effects of past traumas. It involves repeated viewing of a traumatic memory under conditions designed to enhance safety and minimize distractions. The client does all the work; the therapist or counselor offers no interpretations or negative or positive evaluations, but only gives appropriate instructions to the client to have him view a traumatic incident thoroughly from beginning to end. A TIR session is not ended until the viewer achieves a sense of completion and feels good. This may take anywhere from a few minutes to 3-4 hours. Average session time for a new viewer is about 90 minutes. On average, PTSD symptoms can be eliminated within 15 session hours.
Acknowledgements to the Traumatic Incident Reduction Association for the above description. Please see their website for further information:

+ What is Life Stress Reduction (LSR)?

Life Stress Reduction is a comprehensive and thorough way of addressing the type of concerns for which people usually seek counselling, such as anxiety, stress, self esteem, career or relationship difficulties. Life Stress Reduction typically includes an assessment of the areas of life which are causing distress, some information about the LSR process, and then “clearing away the mental debris that is creating unhappiness and inhibiting progress in life”*. The LSR techniques are almost all structured questionnaires which allow the individual to “view” his or her life difficulties in a safe and supportive environment. After completion of a Life Stress Reduction program, the individual can expect to have renewed hope, general good feelings, revitalization in life, and a readiness to address issues that are universally a part of the human condition.*
* Acknowledgements to Applied Metapsychology International and the Traumatic Incident Reduction Association

+ Is there research to back Applied Metapsychology?

Absolutely! Click on this link


+ What’s the difference between a counsellor, a psychologist, and a psychiatrist?

Broadly speaking, counsellors and psychologists do very similar work. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who then specialised in psychiatry. The psychiatrist is an expert on medication to treat emotional and psychological conditions. In Canada there is currently only partial regulation of counsellors, in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia. This means that in other provinces and territories, anyone who has taken any counselling courses can call themselves a trained counsellor.

The B.C. Association of Clinical Counsellors and the Canadian Counselling & Psychotherapy Association are working collaboratively with counselling associations within Canada to persuade government to regulate the counselling profession throughout the country. This would increase public safety by ensuring minimum levels of education, ethics and practice. In the absence of statutory regulation of counselling, your best choice of counsellor is one who is a member of the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors (, the Canadian Counselling Association (, or the BC Association of Marriage and Family Therapists ( Membership in these organisations requires a minimum of a Master’s Degree in counselling, as well as clinical experience, and there are strict guidelines for professional behaviour.

Psychologists in B.C. are regulated by government, and a minimum of a PhD degree and post-doctoral supervision is required before a practitioner may register as a psychologist. Psychologists’ fees are generally considerably higher than those of counsellors.

+ Do I need a referral from my doctor?

No referral is needed.

+ How long does counselling take?

This depends on what you want to achieve, and a number of other factors. Applied Metapsychology typically achieves the desired outcome in a much shorter time than conventional counselling. On average, most clients reach their goals in two to three months.

+ What are the fees?

See Fees page

+ Will my extended health program cover the costs?

Possibly. Check the exact provisions of your program. Some extended health programs specify a fixed amount per year for counselling, such as $500; some specify that coverage is provided only for psychologists; others specify that registered counsellors are covered.

+ Will my Employee Assistance Program (EAP) pay for the counselling?

Possibly. Check the exact provisions of your program. Some EAPs employ their own counsellors and will refer you to one of them. Other EAPs allow you to select your own counsellor and submit receipts to them for reimbursement.

+ What’s the difference between Anger Management and Anger Resolution?

Anger Management is offered as an individual counselling program and in groups. It involves learning skills to manage and control one’s anger. Anger Resolution is the common result of a Life Stress Reduction program in which excessive anger is identified as a concern. Anger Resolution takes about the same amount of time as Anger Management. An advantage of Anger Management over Anger Resolution is cost, if a group program is followed. However group programs may not be able to fully address individual concerns. A disadvantage of Anger Management compared to Anger Resolution is that it requires ongoing hard work to manage excessive anger every time it occurs. The greatest advantage of Anger Resolution is that it gets rid of the excessive anger – so you don’t experience it anymore, and can enjoy life more.

+ How do I book an appointment?

Call, email or use the online form

+ What is involved in the personal growth program?

See Personal Growth and Other Areas of Practice page.